About this course
The DevOps Course in India is a great way to learn about DevOps concepts online and to become an expert in automated building and software development. With understanding of tools like Git, SVN, Docker, and Nagios, you can receive certification from one of the Best DevOps Training
Introduction to Cloud computing
- What is cloud computing
- Characteristics of Cloud Computing
- Cloud Implementation Models
- Cloud Service Models
- Advantages of Cloud Computing
- Concerns of Cloud Computing
- AWS (Compute-EC2,RDS, IAM, Storage-S3)
- AWS (Compute-EC2,RDS, IAM, Storage-S3)
Introduction to Dev-Sec-Ops
- Introduction to Devops
- Why Devops?
- DevOps and Software Development Life Cycle
- Important Terminology
- Devops Tools
- Configuration Management
- Continuous Integration and Deployment
Deep Dive in to AWS
- Learn what AWS is and why we need AWS.
- Compute Service – EC2
- Database Service – RDS
- Networking – VPC
- Storage – S3
- DNS Service – Route53
- Authentication – IAM
- Monitoring – Cloud Watch
Code Development on Java (Eclipse) and Python.
- Overview On Code Development on Java (Eclipse) and Python.
Automation testing tool- Junit and Selenium
- Overview On Automation testing tool- Junit and Selenium
Quality Testing Using Sonarqube
- What Is Software Testing?
- Dynamic Testing
- Static Testing
- What is Sonarqube?
- Features Of Sonarqube
- Sonarqube Installation
GIT: Version Control
- Installing Git
- Git Essentials
- Creating Repository
- Fetch Pull and Remote
- Creating the Branches, switching the branches, merging the branches.
- GIT Clone, Fetch, Pull
- GIT Rebase & Merge
- GIT Stash, Reset, Checkout
- About Version Control System and Types
- GIT Features
Jenkins – Continuous Integration & Deployment
- Understanding Continuous Integration
- Introduction about Jenkins
- Jenkins Installation & Architecture
- Exploring Jenkins Dashboard
- 5 Securing Jenkins – Authentication & Authorization
- Maven Build Cycle
- Best Practices for Jenkins
- Integration with Maven and Git Server
Build Tool - Maven
- Maven Installation
- Maven Build Requirements
- Maven POM Builds (pom.xml)
- Maven Build Life Cycle
- Maven Plugins
Docker– Containers and Virtual Development
- What is a Docker
- Dockers vs. Virtualization
- Docker Architecture
- Installing Docker on Linux
- Docker Commands
- Docker Hub – Uploading the images in Docker Registry and AWS ECS
- Running Multiple Containers with Custom Images
- Docker Networking
- Docker Compose
Artifact Management Repository – JFROG & NEXUS
- What is an Artifact?
- What is JFROG Artifcatory?
- Why should we use JFROG for DevOps
- JFROG Artifactory Installation
- What is NEXUS Repository
- Features of NEXUS Repository
- NEXUS vs Artifactory
- NEXUS Repository Installation
ANSIBLE - Configuration Management Tools
Accordion Content
- Introduction to Ansible
- Ansible Server Configuration
- SSH Connection in Ansible
- Master YAML Scripts
- Host Inventory and Playbooks
- Ansible Roles
Container Orchestration - Kubernetes
- Kubernetes Core Concepts
- Kubectl Common Commands
- Understanding Pods
- Setting up a Cluster Nodes
- Usage on a DevOps Environment
Continuous Monitoring - Nagios
- Introduction to Continuous Monitoring
- Introduction to Nagios
- Installing Nagios
- Nagios Plugins(NRPE) and Objects
- Nagios Commands and Notification
Infrastructure Automation – Terraform
- Introduction to Terraform
- Terraform vs Ansible
- Terraform Architecture
- Terraform Configuration
- Terraform Common Commands
- Managing Terraform Resources
- Terraform State, Terraform Project
Complete CI/CD Implementation for Real World Project
- Real World Project for Complete CI/CD Implementation
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